About Us
About AVG Logistics Limited
Know AVG Logistics
Our journey to success & beyond!
AVG Logistics Limited is an ISO 9001 - 2015 accredited logistics company promoted by Mr. Sanjay Gupta with an objective of delivering excellent services to the customers. He is a visionary logistics professional armed with 30+ years of solid and varied experience. He has been instrumental in introducing train movements on several most difficult routes and deployment of 32ft. containers on high volume road routes for cost reduction.
It was Mr. Sanjay Gupta’s mission to transform AVG Logistics Limited into a market leader for providing customized logistics solutions for every need. Since the establishment of AVG Logistics Limited, we continuously strive to be a better existing dedicated and robust supply chain solution provider in India. 'Customer Satisfaction' being the core objective here, we focus on.
Achievements by AVG Logistics
Each Milestone is our Big Step!
We have reached an important milestone and achieved a new momentum in the Logistics Industry. Our success is completely based on the principles of trust and reliability. We have a strong history of transformation, growth and achievements over the years.
Our Mission & Vision
Our Mission statement believes in "Achieving business objectives by delivering desired quality of service at competitive cost".
AVG Logistics Limited will be the customer’s obvious choice for providing complete logistics solutions through innovative & reliable services to them.
AVG Logistics
Picture of Tomorrow
AVG Logistics Limited is keeping an eye on the big picture. We’ve been growing year by year and getting more and more specialized and segment in our industry. We have a growth oriented programme for the aggressive expansion of our company. We are going to invest in better technology, large-scale warehouses and technologically advanced transportation to establish ourselves as the best and complete logistics service provider.
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